Sunday, November 23, 2008

Winter is finally here...

I was looking through my camera today to upload a few pictures I had...and I came across this one.

This was only taken a few weeks ago. It was a nice day out and we were able to sneak in one last trip to the park.

All of my life I have loved fall and winter. They were my favorite seasons hands down. However, now that I have a child...I get a little depressed when it gets cool out. I know that it is just the beginning of months of being trapped indoors without a lot to do. I mean, sure we have games to play, toys to enjoy, books to read and shows to watch. But, when it is warmer out...our choices are endless!

So, I guess today I will stay inside and turn up the heat...and dream about warm days, when we can swing again!

"There are only two seasons, winter and baseball." ~ Bill Veeck


The past two weeks have been a little stressful, not knowing what is going at with my job and what-not. Every night when I lay down to sleep...I just lay there. No matter how tired I am...I can't seem to get to sleep. I think about what happened at work that day, what will happen the next day, what I am going to do if (but most likely when) I get laid off. 1000 things run through my mind...and nothing I really want to be thinking of. Then, about 2 or 3 in the morning, I usually wake back up and start thinking the same thoughts. They just won't seem to get out of my head. Or...if I do by chance stay asleep, I am having dreams or nightmares about work.

So frustrating!!! I am a planner...and this not knowing is killing me! I spend all day exhausted because I am not sleeping well at night. All I want to do is nap...but then I am back to thinking about work. I wish I was still a little kid and could sleep whenever and wherever I wanted...wouldn't that be nice?!?! Maybe I wouldn't feel so exhausted!

If you can't sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It's the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep. ~Dale Carnegie

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We had such a good time passing out candy this year :) Chris was so excited to see everyone in their costumes. We had about double the turn out too.
Chris and Ella looked adorable in their costumes and had a great time showing them off.
A grandmother pretends she doesn't know who you are on Halloween. ~Erma Bombeck

Why I Voted....

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Barack Obama